My boy, C, really loves to read. About two years ago, when he was four years old, I found some magazines in the library. I thought they're quite interesting so I borrowed them - Storybox, Adventure Box, and Discover Box - and C absolutely loves them! Unfortunately the collection in the nearby library is very limited, so I've been buying 2nd hand magazines from the 2nd hand book shop. Absolutely a gem!
All three magazined are published by Bayard children’s magazines. Their mission is to help young people to grow up understanding the fascinating world they live in, and encourage them to face the challenges of the future with a sense of wonder and curiosity.
StoryBox (age 3-6 years old)
Wonder with Whizkid introduces children to science and answers their questions about the world, with clear pictures and explanations. Some examples : How is chocolate made?, How is bread made?, Why don't we see colours at night?, Why should you blow your nose when you have a cold?, etc.
Animal World introduces children to a new animal every month with a beautiful picture and simple captions.
Fun and Games stimulates children’s creativity and observation skills.
Time for a ryhme introduces rhymes, a good way to improve children's literacy skill.
Polo - look at the pictures and tell the story in your own words.
AdventureBox (age 6-9 years old)
Storytime - An exciting 44-page illustrated story, with some chapters for newly independent readers. Action, suspense, drama, adventure, humour: children will discover different genres. Colourful illustrations on every page engage children's interest and made them enjoyable to ready.
NatureBox with great photographs and fascinating scientific information help children discover the natural world. Some examples : All about oranges, It's a bud!, Flower power, It's a honey bee!, etc.
Puzzles and games stimulate children’s literacy, observation and reasoning skills in a fun way.
DiscoveryBox (age 9-12 years old)
Animal topics are presented through photos and some interesting and informative facts.
Science articles present the great innovations and inventions using clear explanations and pictures. They are continued by experiment articles - related to the science explained. Some examples : Formula 1 racing, Football secrets of top players, Cleaning worms, Spot 5 maps the earth, etc.
World articles introduce other countries, cultures and lifestyles. Some examples : China kungfu fighting, Kirghizstan cinema under the stars, Greece, etc.
Historical events are retold in a lively and engaging way. Some examples : Communicating with sign language, Lindbergh heroid pilot, The vikings, etc.
Reading corner contains some stories.
Games stimulate children’s literacy, observation and reasoning skills in a fun way.
Recipe contains simple recipes for children to try by themselves. Some examples : Egg in a bun, Strawberry salad, Choc-orange mousse, Scrummy mashed potatoes.
Great magazines! C absolutely loves them and he has learned a lot from them. He could read them over and over again. Really glad I found them.
Happy Reading!